Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hol(y)days are near...but for now, Advent.

There's somethin' in the air! It must be the HOLLER-DAYS!! My favorite season is in full swing...the decorations are looking awesome (or downright tacky) and I am enjoying my hot hot coffee (after the hot hot summer when hot coffee was unbearable), it's a good feeling. 

Currently I am sick in the bed with the flu. Yesterday, I took the day off of work because of the icky feelings that accompany the flu and I think that was a first. I'm generally a healthy lady...just not over the past few days. A quick recovery would be helpful with being in the middle of finals and all. 

Oh my, what a crazy 6 months since I've last posted...

Old news, but Goood news: I received a promotion a couple months ago and it's been an enjoyable challenge so far. I moved from being a lowly customer service rep to being an Office Administrator. (eeek!) It's a great position to have while I am still in school but comes with a much larger workload so I have been a bit buried this semester.

School has been good, but as I keep going, I realize how much the senior-itis just continues to get worse. It really is a disease!! Once finals are done, I (to my knowledge) have 8 CLASSES left to finish!! EIGHT! eight! eight! eek! It makes life a bit more bearable to see that looming in the near future. :) One of my professors suggested last week that I should go right into Grad School, or at least take the GMAT right away - you should have seen the look on my face (or how I imagine the expression) - incredulous. I'm so ready to be done. 

I have also been learning a bit about time management, learning how to keep everything in order in its own place...and getting homework/quizzes/assignments in on time. Another challenge, a good one, it is really teaching me about how much I love and rely on lists and list-making. I even found myself making a list of things I need to do in the morning before work, putting it in my phone so that when I wake up, I won't press snooze. Oh, the troubles I go through to wake up in the morning. haha... But in all seriousness, it's been good to learn to balance work, homework, classes, downtime, friend-time...etc.  If you have any more ideas on what's helped you, feel free to share. :)

Through it all, I've come to have a greater appreciation for peace, silence and time of prayer. My favorite moments are those spent in adoration or with my journal - just reflecting on life and being able to sit in the presence of the One who really knows me. This advent I've especially been grateful for the times of peace and quiet I've had before the Lord. With the season, it has really just been a time to turn to Jesus and realize the mercy and love he has for all of us. My favorite advent song is Hear the Herald Voice Resounding (lyrics below) - it just brings to mind the eternal and everlasting peace and grace that Christ has for us - just waiting for our acceptance. I am an earthbound soul, hoping one day to "bound" into eternity, but for now, I live with Christ and count on him as my defender and the Light of my days. 

Hear the herald voice resounding:
“Christ is near,” it seems to say,
Cast away the dreams of darkness,
Welcome Christ, the light of day!”

Wakened by this solemn warning,
Let the earthbound soul arise;
Christ her sun, all sloth dispelling,
Shines upon the morning skies.

See the Lamb so long expected,
Comes with pardon down from heav’n;
Hasten now, with tears of sorrow,
One and all to be forgiv’n.

So when next he comes with glory,
Shrouding all the earth in fear,
May he then as out defender
On the clouds of heav’n appear.

Have a lovely Advent and a Merry Christmas/New Years...etc. :) 


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