Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Lift My Eyes to the Hills...

Recently, I have been reflecting on the Psalms. Well, I guess it's not all that recent. I began incorporating a Psalm into my daily prayer in August at UCO's Campus Outreach Academy. Over the past couple years I found myself going back and meditating on these significantly wonderful scripture passages and recognized that I needed to add these into my daily prayer. Every time I flip open to this section of the Bible, I find what I need to hear - I am refreshed and oftentimes I am also challenged.

The past few weeks have brought some major highs and some lows, but I have found consistency and grace in my little daily meditations.  These highs and lows haven't been emotional - far from it - just some bumps in the road. :) I just realized that I am becoming more stable in the Lord (and in my life/calling) and His words to me. These psalms are deeply personal and deeply moving...constantly pushing me to turn my face back to Him, cast my worries on Him, grow in Love with Him, Find my Joy in Him, Set my cares aside and Focus on Him - lift my eyes to the mountains instead of turning into myself.

Some examples:

Highs: Spending time with my niece (she is so ridiculously cute!), talking to my nephews on the phone, catching up with old friends, shopping for bridesmaids gowns (yes, that's plural) for upcoming weddings, chilling/laughing with friends, experiencing an amazing Kairos Winter Conference, experiencing deep prayer & meditation, turning in my application for school next year...etc.

Lows: The stomach flu (for about 3-4 days), finding my car with another dent in it (Ann Arbor drivers...) lol, my best friend moving away (miss you S!), and crazy cold & snowy days (in case you didn't know, I'm not a fan)...

These are just some things that have gone on. Am I totally distraught? No! What's the point?! I actually hadn't even noticed that the sun hadn't been out in a few weeks until someone pointed it out to me that we were experiencing the first sunny day in awhile. I am not allowing winter to get the better of me. I made a choice. I will focus on the joys, not the pains and go from there. I guess it's worked.

In turning away from my immediate desires (like wanting to be annoyed that it's January and not July) and lifting my focus to Him, my joy has grown. Do you ever find yourself laughing so hard that it brings tears to your eyes? This happens to me often (ask the people who hang out with me) - it's almost become a weekly occurrence.  I find joy in the little things, in the big things and in the things that other people don't always find funny (this can be dangerous...haha). I laugh when no one else is laughing; I even laugh at myself (fancy that!). I often begin a waterfall of laughter - I'm sorry people, but it's just hard not to laugh when someone else is laughing - it's contagious! Joy is a wonderful thing. If you have this gift - don't hide it!! People need to see, experience & feel more joy in their lives. Smile! It can change a person's day (cheesy, I know, but it's true)!

So back to the Psalms - I highly encourage anyone who has not incorporated this into your prayer to begin today. There is always something new to learn and enjoy in these! Here is a beginning:

Psalm 121
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
   where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
   the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
   he who watches over you will not slumber; 
indeed, he who watches over Israel
   will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you—
   the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
   nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm—
   he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going
   both now and forevermore.

Some of my thoughts from this Psalm are:
1. Stop looking at you - Start looking to Him!
2. Maker of Heaven and Earth - he created everything - including those gray sky days that you dislike - start embracing even the little creations that bless the earth and our lives.
3. He watches over us - why worry? Seriously - this adds stress, wrinkles (not the good kind), and unnecessary anxiety to our lives - cut it!!
4. He watches my coming and going - I am resolving to try to glorify Him in all of my activities. I might fail - I often do, but I know that I have someone watching over my every move. It's awesome!
5. My God always was, always is and always will be. He's seen our everyday crap in probably about a billion other people (this doesn't justify it), so pick yourself up and keep going!

Shout Out!! To my girlfriends who have been amazing and I am so excited to have the opportunities to hang out with them - even if it's just watching American Idol or their kids :), watching movies (L. - Our recent Disney escapades have led to some awesome conversations!), having coffee/lunch/dinner.  Real conversations with my mom and sisters have really built me up recently as well.   I really love talking with them whenever I get the chance. It's been great to be able to hear about their lives and what's going on - in school, work, with kids, without kids, in prayer...etc. I love hearing it all - keep it coming ladies! Your encouragement, prayer, love, example, care and thoughtfulness have really blessed me recently!! Thank you!

P.S. My Ugly Thursday Ladies (you know who you are) - you will always hold a special place in my life. Thank you for still welcoming me in, even after weeks of non-attendance...I am truly grateful for your perseverance. This tradition should continue for years to come!  :)

Let me end by saying it's just a great time of life where anything is possible, and many things are up in the air.  The Lord is my shield, protection, sufficiency and my future. Only he knows what will happen and where I will end up, but I am His and He is mine. That's enough for me to continue my growth in becoming more like the woman I was created to be.

Happy Thursday!