So last week I was sitting by the beach (as noted in a previous posting), and I realized something. Have you ever watched a sunset and seen the clouds slowly disappear from the sky? But they don't really disappear. They are chasing the sunset. I know that there is probably scientific reasoning behind all of this and someone who is schooled in that could probably run circles around me in explaining it, but I would like to think that something or Someone else is involved.
For me, to look at those clouds meant to think about what it's like to follow the Lord. We seek after him all day and when we think we're at our lowest points in life, we chase after him even more. We hope to find him in a deeper, more full way, and we do - but we also get to see the beauty in our lives more because of it. Sunset provides for one of the most gorgeous times of day during the late summer and early autumn. I love the beauty and mystery and joy it provides to's also my absolute favorite activity of the summer.
That particular evening, I was also able to just stare into a star-scattered sky and was able to see the Milky Way. I love the night sky and find it very beautiful and fun to watch. As one of my future hobbies, I give star-gazing an A++. It's so neat!
That's it for now. Signing out.
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