Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have been learning a lot about this topic lately: Trust. It's a word that gets thrown into phrases we hear often, "In God we Trust", "Love all, but trust a few", "Trust your heart", "Trust in the Lord"...and many more. I believe the last one resonates with me in the deepest way. It is a lesson I have been learning from a very early age and will continue to learn until I die.

The free dictionary describes Trust as confident expectation of something, hope. It is the reliance of strength, surety, confidence in someone or something. I have always considered myself to be a pretty trusting person. One who is trustworthy and one who trusts others easily. Because of these things, I have been hurt and loved in some very strong ways. I have experienced relationships and blessings because of it. The life I live is a committed one because of my trust in the Lord.

I have hope for the future, for things unseen, for what God has for me. A scripture that I was focusing on back in August has come back into my mind. It's from Proverbs 21:1, "The king's heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases." 

In focusing on this passage, I believe the Lord wants me to become more like this stream. To be totally functional, but at the same time embrace the fluidity of the call he has on my life. Everyday is a new adventure, a new chance to choose for something differently, a new chapter being opened - and how will I respond?


There is no other explanation for me. There is nothing else to say except that without trust, I will never be able to move forward or process what happened backward. I need to trust, to give myself wholly and allow HIM who is before all things to do the rest. 

This week is a bit of a busy one with Winter Conference, Kairos Women's Mission Director Training, and my best friend moving, it makes for a full week. But through all of this, the Lord wants me. All of me. From the very depths of my soul and spirit, I need to turn to Him and be open to his mercy and grace.

With confidence, peace and hope, I set my foot forward and wait for His guidance and will to be done. Amen!


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