Sunday, October 16, 2011

*PTL* for Transitions!

I know it's well into the Fall season and some of these thoughts were written earlier this summer, but I thought I'd give a bit of an update on what's happening in my life. Enjoy!

Being in transition mode is stinky. This summer I processed through many transitions - most especially finding a job and re-entering the world of education. I'm "in it to win it", "going for the gold" - but sometimes it's not always fun. Everyone has different experiences, and these are some thoughts I had while fighting through a challenging summer...

Why do transitions take so much out of us? I mean, everyone is different, but most people by this point in life have some kind of educational degree, maybe are married or having kids - and I am not in either of these positions. My half-degree doesn't count for much, I have two years left of school, but a lot of "life-experience". In the world's eye, I look pretty lame (sometimes I feel pretty lame too), but I know there is a purpose and plan behind all of this.

In Philippians 4:13, Paul writes, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

I have found power and the will to keep on through these words. Sometimes I want to give up easily. I am a person who enjoys getting things done and seeing the final product. I think God is teaching me patience through all of this...or something. :)

Here are some things I have learned about myself in the past three years:
  • I am not as extroverted as I thought I was...
    • I always thought that I would be the type of person who could just keep on moving/working/going...etc. I have learned the value of taking a few steps back and enjoying things as they come. 
    • In the midst of everything, I have become a bit of an introvert...maybe not totally, but there are days (especially most recently) where I get to 3pm and realize that I haven't uttered a word to anyone - and I'm ok with that.  Many of my high school or early-days college friends might be surprised by this, but this has really changed in me. I cannot go on forever expecting to not need sleep, prayer, food, or life-giving silence. I need all of these and am allowing myself the time to receive them now.
  • I have come to appreciate the benefits of a good "spiritual" read.
    • There are so many great books I have discovered while working for UCO. Some of these include:
      • The Path of Loneliness by Elizabeth Elliot 
        • I am currently re-reading this and getting so much out of it - what a great book!
      • I Believe in Love: A Personal Retreat Based on the Teaching of St. Therese of Liseux
      • The Hidden Power of Kindness by Lawrence Lovasik
      • Desiring God by John Piper
      • God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew
      • The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
      • Through the Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Elliot (and anything else by her too...) :)
    • The Bible (Especially the books of Isaiah, Colossians, Psalms & Genesis) 
      • This is always a good book (duh!), but I actually came to enjoy it quite a bit. All the ways I have been comforted, loved, renewed and uplifted can be attributed to a good time of Bible study and scripture meditation. This book has changed my life.
  • I have a strong appreciation for friendships that continue to stay strong and even grow sometimes when we can't always find time to communicate!
    • I have a couple of friendships in which we can go months without speaking and then just pick up where we left off. The time apart allows us to learn new things about ourselves, save up really great stories and just have time to impart wisdom to each other. 
    • I enjoy some of the most blessed relationships and when scattered across the country/world, I really love being able to use the power of the internet - Skype, Facebook, Google-chat, and of course, the trusty ol' phone have become my wonderful connections to the outside world. Thank God that I was born in the age of technology!!
  • Investing in relationships that are short-term are totally worth it. 
    • This past year, more than any other, I have gotten to know so many students and friends with whom I have grown, changed, learned and developed. I would not replace these relationships for the world! In many ways, I have become more of who I think God wants me to be because of these. I have invested whole-heartedly and I appreciate all the things I have learned from these relationships.
    • Sometimes, I think that when we invest, it should be in something that is sustainable. I believe this is actually a very natural thought. We don't want to invest in something or someone who will be taken away from us (whether it be because of short-term service, change of school/location, need to return home, moving for a job...etc). 
    • I have learned that investing in these exact types of people and situations, I developed personally and was given so much! I have given a lot as well, but upon reflection, I feel I was the one who received the most blessing.
...So that's what's been on my mind for the past few months. Currently, I am working at a local hotel and studying Business at Eastern Michigan. I officially received word that I am on the right track for graduation in May 2013! YAY! I am so excited to get to that point!! In the meantime, you can find me studying, drinking coffee, working, listening to Josh Garrels, aiming for Heaven, becoming a Godmother for the 3rd time, dining with friends (on the rare night off), attempting a semblance of a social life, dreaming of traveling, and exploring options for grad school!

Au Revoir!

*PTL equates to "Praise the Lord!!"

1 comment:

  1. Go Claire! Yay for learning new things about yourself. That's always a good thing. I mean, sometimes it's not what we want to hear/know, but it can be beneficial...especially in our walk with God. It helps us be open to different ways that He might be speaking to us. That's what I've found, anyway. Keep on keeping on! I'm excited that you have a graduation date in sight...that's something to look forward to! I'll be keeping you in my prayers here in Dublin. Love you and miss you!
