I love the weather right now! Crisp, cool air, smells of pumpkins and wood-burning stoves, walking with the wind in my face, delicious foods, fine friends and lots to celebrate! Life seems more and more amazing each time I think about it. Walking the boys to school in the morning has been quite a pleasurable time, it wakes me up and gets me thinking about what I will be doing that day.
This weekend was excellent - it began on Friday evening with the UCoffee house at the Common Cup, I actually performed (It was quite nerve-wracking, but I got over it about an hour after the act was over)!! Also, I had the unique pleasure of being able to check out the Fleetwood Diner for the first time ever. Enjoying the company of many great friends is becoming a precious gift and I cherish those moments with them.
Saturday was a beautiful time of relaxing with my "extended" family (the ones I live with), and getting ready for a great day with two of my best friends. Spent some quality time with J. and S.!! (who came up from L-Town later on to attend the Lady Danville/Ben Folds concert in Detroit) Both of which were amazing - I will do it again and again as long as they come to Michigan. Thanks once again to Ben Folds for expanding my horizons and teaching me about new music I wouldn't have discovered on my own! S. and I had some lovely conversations and were able to just have a fantastic time. To add to the beauty of the night, we also went Dancing! - something which I have been "craving" (as some might call it) for a long time. It brought back some great memories and I was really blessed by it. As life goes along and I get older, I tend to appreciate these moments more and more. With S. moving soon, these times will become a lot less easy to come by and I am just so grateful to be able to enjoy it while we can.
Sunday was also quite wonderful with lots of relaxing and celebration - the day ended in front of a fantastic fire, while a good friend read from the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Just enough time to kick back and begin the week.
Optimistic about many things - I press on into what we call life and I will look to the One who created me, reveling in the present, enjoying the past and looking with hope and expectation toward the future.
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